This privacy policy details the ways we use and protect any information you give us when you visit Any time you provide information which has the potential to identify who you are, the personal information falls under our privacy policy.
During your visit to our site, you may be prompted to provide contact details including your: name, email address, phone number, banking information and postal address. Northcote Bottleshop does not sell this information to third parties. We may retain this information for our own records for inventory purposes and to provide a faster checkout service for you at your next purchase.
The site administrator may automatically receive information that is contained on server log files, including your IP address and cookies. This information is similarly protected under this policy, and will not be sold onto third parties.
During your visit, the website will use cookies to maximize your user experience (for example, to provide quick access to products you've recently looked at). These cookies do not contain any of the personal or identifiable information as listed above.
Northcote Bottleshop reserves the right to use non-personal, aggregate data collected from your visit. This may include information about the browser or operating system you use to visit the site, and this information will be used to improve the operating of the site for your benefit. This may also include information about which specific products you view, in order to run statistical analysis on our stock to improve our services for future visits.
Northcote Bottleshop is committed to to ensuring these standards for maintenance of data are met, and at all times strives to ensure your privacy. However, Northcote Bottleshop is not in a position to guarantee compliance with these standards as there are many factors beyond the administrator's control which could result in the disclosure of data. As such, Northcote Bottleshop offers no warranties or representations in regards to the maintenance of data.